Upcoming LeanPath Food Waste Prevention Webinar
June 28, 2017  //  WEDNESDAY  //  45 Minutes
12:00 Pm PdT • 1:00 pm MdT • 2:00 pm CdT • 3:00 pm EdT

Considering adopting a food waste prevention program?

Presented by:

LeanPath Executive Chef Robb White, CEC, CCA, ACC

Andrew Shakman

Co-Founder and
CEO, LeanPath

Food waste reduction starts with prevention—preventing the food waste from happening in the first place is the clear optimal solution from a social, environmental and economic standpoint. And the first step in prevention is measurement—understanding exactly how much food is being wasted and why, so you know where you’re starting from, can identify opportunities for improvement, and can easily track progress over time.

Food waste prevention efforts have a proven and strong ROI—as much as 10x or more—over a relatively short period of 6-12 months. However, a common challenge many organizations face is how to make the business case for the initial investment in such a program, since an upfront investment of time and resources is required to achieve the positive bottom-line impact.

This webinar will provide insight into making the business case for food waste prevention programs, including:

  • ROI tools and external research validation to prove the positive net impact with your CFO and/or decision-making team.
  • Guidance on creative funding mechanisms and models to support your upfront investment.
  • How to sell the broad-based impact of food waste prevention from a moral, environmental, and financial perspective.

If you are considering adopting a food waste prevention program and are seeking strategic guidance on how to approach this with internal teams, this is the webinar for you.

Sign up below!

"I can’t imagine being without [LeanPath] and we’ve only had it for five months. I don’t know why I wasn’t thinking about this 10 years ago. Before we had no actionable way to get a handle on it—it changes the way we do things. This program provides a focus for the department to rally around and do the right thing for the environment."

Mary Jo Morris  //  Director of Dining and Conference Services at St. Norbert College